Saturday, August 4, 2007

What I was really pulling for was more of a dark mauve actually

I was listening to NPR on the drive back from Cedar Falls the other day. It was during a short interlude bridging the gap from the soft jazz of the 1900s to a modern piano concerto that a thought occurred to me. The feeling that as long as those soft-spoken, slightly graying voices just kept on narrating, kept on carefully enunciating the names of countless foreign composers and their masterpieces; all would be right with the world.

It was the perfect capstone to an otherwise slightly aggravating journey. You see, I was freshly off of having tried to convince the rest of UNIPUC of the plethora of changes needed for the upcoming year. Feelings of serenity and peace were in short supply that night.

The change of insignia and name were accepted fairly quickly, but for some reason they firmly resisted any sort of change in the color scheme of our jerseys. Apparently purple is such a magical and awe-inspiring color that, given the choice, it will trump every single other color devised of by man, save a more brilliant form of it.

Luckily, after about 2-3 hours of discussion, light blue and dark red were finally accepted for our separate jersey colors, although not without the requisite wailing and gnashing of teeth. My only fear now is that I will soon have to do it all over again, during the actual team meeting. Curse purple and the sway it holds over my teammates!

Really all that was accomplished on my trip, other than the very fine dining given to us by our local Hu Hot, was the realization that I'm going to have to make every single decision on this team. From those minor jersey color decisions, to the choice of our offense, I'm really the only person on the team with enough experience to choose. It occurs to me that this is much more of a daunting task than I originally anticipated.

And I haven't even started the paperwork yet.

Edit: Although naturally all of my decisions/ideas would be given to the team for approval beforehand. What, you think I'm some sort of despot or somethin'?!


ellsworthless said...

What were the changes you decided on?

Rule with an iron fist.

Java Bean said...

It turns out I have a very vague idea of what color mauve is. Or taupe.

Hopefully (or not) that will change soon?

Also, any other logo/jersey stuff you want to discuss? I am, of course, hoping for another trip out to Cafe Milo. Maybe we won't get kicked out early this time?!?!

ellsworthless said...

Can I get some damn answers here or what?

Iain said...

Geesh slow down there buddy, the main changes were an eventual name change, the insignia being one of the panther ideas (yet to be voted on) and the jersey colors.

At this point it looks like they still want to lean towards purple, but I won't find out until after school starts and we have an official meeting.

Some offense/defense changes were proposed (by me), but no one else had any input. We're also going to try to drill this year, but like the jerseys, apparently I can't make any decisions unless I have a full democratic vote from the team.

Warrior Princess said...

Purple is the traditonal (European) color of royalty. Using that tactic, perhaps you could look to other cultures that have a different idea of royalty. There are always ways to get what you want.