Sunday, July 22, 2007

From there and back again

Back in the times of yore I started my very first blog on Blogspot. However, being the callow impressionable youth that I was, I left its pleasurable confines for the welcoming social atmosphere of Livejournal. There, myself and a few others took root for the majority of our high school lives and learned all that there was to learn concerning life and its trivialities. Yes, we were the jaded few of Ames High. To our parents we must have been hell, and to the wise we must have been droll, but for me, that time is past.

Perhaps what brings me back to Blogspot is the desire for change. Livejournal was everyman's journal. When you wrote in it you wrote never to yourself; always you wrote to your audience. With this blog I hope to change that. I
wish to rediscover those lost musings in the middle of the night that make you clamor for pen and paper. I want to tap those innermost cloisters of immense creativity and genius that every person has inside. I will find my center and be as mysterious as the dark side of the moon!

From this blog I don't really know what to expect. As always, I just desire comfort. I don't do well if I don't feel comfortable, that's the way I've always been and probably the way I always will be. This is just another way of me relocating into my comfort zone, one where I can air the worst grievances, toot my own horn, beat a dead horse, and even shoot the breeze. This blog will most likely end up being yet another eclectic mix of some unknown blogger's soul, but, hey, at least it's
my soul.

For the rest of the summer I'll most likely fill this with tales of the main love of my life, ultimate frisbee, interspersed with commentary upon my friends, family, relationship and life in general. Once the schoolyear begins I'll be assaulted with the duties of the captaincy of a dying ultimate program, the intricacies of social life at a college level and, naturally, the studious academic work that I'm so very well known for. I'm unsure of how deep I'll go emotionally in regards to the trying times of my life. Currently I have a girlfriend, so, understandably, venting will be directed in her lucky direction rather than here, although I'm sure there will be plenty left for me to discuss with you.

I hope to end up doing with this what most ultimate players do with their blogs, have the vast majority of the blog being of ultimate recap, with maybe one fifth of the rest being introspection and exposition. I do know that tournament recaps will undeniably be here, so I can sift through my own thoughts and to write down what I need to do, and I'm sure practices will doubtlessly make their way here as well. (It seems my hopes are very well-founded.)

Tomorrow I have a lot of spare time, so hopefully I'll regale you with what I remember of Freedom Fest or Iowa Games and maybe even Solstice if I have the urge, although it all depends on what tomorrow's like. You always have to be in the right mood to write.

Until next time my fair blog.

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